Енглески језик - нижи/К3

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  • За питања са више одговора, тачни одговори су подебљани и уоквирени
  • За питања за које се одговори уносе, тачни одговори су подвучени и сакривени, тако да се прикажу када изаберете тај текст (пример: овако)
  • Притисните лево дугме испод за сакривање и откривање свих одговора, или десно дугме за укључивање и искључивање интерактивног режима:


  1. Most of screens place an emission barrier between you and the front of your display, while others encase the entire monitor, protection you from side and rear emissions as well.
    1. Forebrain / encamp / bear
    2. Disproof / enamel / clear
    3. Display / encase / rear
    4. Displeasure / emulsion / rear
  2. A virtual reality system consists of a helmet with a color display in front of each eye, and wide-angle lenses to cover the entire field of view and give a stereoscopic effect.
    1. Wide-awake lenses / stereophonic
    2. White-bodies lenses / stereographic
    3. Wide-angle lenses / stereoscopic
    4. Wide-awake lenses / stereogram
  3. Much more will have to happen in laboratories around the world before robots can be compared to nature's handiwork.
    1. Laborites / handbrake
    2. Labor unions / handgun
    3. Laboratories / handiwork
    4. Laburnum / handicap
  4. Mr. Stone has developed a data glove with air pockets that are inflated to give a sensation of touch in collaboration with Air-muscle.
    1. Infected / stagnation / musette
    2. Inflamed / sanatorium / museum
    3. Inflated / sensation / muscle
    4. Inflected / sanctiomony / murderer
  5. Pen-based computing is coming into its own.
    1. Pen-based / own
    2. Penal-based / owlet
    3. Pelt-based / oxbow
    4. Penknife-based / oxlip
  6. You can't take notes that will go directly into your computer, and the technology wouldn't know what to do with your doodles.
    1. Commuter / technocracy / doodlebug
    2. Computer / technology / doodles
    3. Connivance / tearoom / dummies
    4. Commutator / technocrat / boodle
  7. There are many packages that help you create multimedia presentations, and the tools to create customized multimedia training programs are also plentiful.
    1. Multicolored / custard / plenum
    2. Multimedia / customized / plentiful
    3. Multifarious / custodial / pledgor
    4. Muleskinner / cushy / plebiscite
  8. The paperless office is still a dream, but the basic tools are in place.
    1. Paper bag / trolls
    2. Paperless / tools
    3. Paperback / tubes
    4. Paperknife / tonic
  9. The system, called Virtuality, consists of a cockpit in which player sits, wearing the helmet, at a set of controls that can mimic a bobsleigh.
    1. Cockroach / helminth / bobby pin
    2. Cocked hat / helms-man / boatman
    3. Cocklebur / hellhole / bobby pin
    4. Cockpit / helmet / bobsleigh
  10. Artificial worlds are being built up in a computer memory so that people can walk through at will.
    1. Beneficial worlds / computer
    2. Artillery fires / coagulant
    3. Prank worlds / dehumidifier
    4. Artificial worlds / computer
  11. Voice recognition is another technology that may appear limited in its present form, but it shows great promise for the future.
    1. Voice reclamation / solace
    2. Voice recognition / promise
    3. Voice recapitulation / office
    4. Voice reconciliation / Peppa pig
  12. Speaking to your computer will be a major factor in the office of the future.
    1. Fact sheet
    2. Factor
    3. Faddish
    4. Fascimile
  13. The operator wears an electronic glove that detects exactly what the fingers are doing and transmits the information to the computer.
    1. Operator / electronic / transmits
    2. Operetta / electuary / transcribes
    3. Opossum / elderberry / transverse
    4. Opponent / elbow grease / Transylvania
  14. Most of us have access to e-mail in one form or another. That's half the battle won.
    1. Acclamation / babushka
    2. Process / kettle
    3. Access / battle
    4. Accent / bubble
  15. Robots shine at installing chips in printed circuit boards.
    1. Shilly-shally / circuit courts
    2. Shabby-genteel / circuit testers
    3. Shine at / circuit boards
    4. Shaggy dog story / circular saw
  16. Earlier robots were usually blind and deaf but newer types of robots are fitted with video cameras and sensing devices.
    1. Blind and dead / fitting with / sea anchor
    2. Blithe and deaf / fission on / sea cow
    3. Blindfolded and dictator / fishy / blessing
    4. Blind and deaf / fitted with / sensing
  17. Scientists have also emulated the flexibility of an octopus.
    1. Emulated / octopus
    2. Empty-handed / October revolution
    3. Emaciated / ocellus
    4. Emulsion / octagon
  18. In the meantime, the robotics revolution is already beginning to change the kind of work that people do.
    1. Robotics fashion / job
    2. Robotics evolution / Worcestershire sauce
    3. Robotics revolution / work
    4. Robotics evocation / wizardry
  19. The helmet has a pair of liquid crystal displays with wide-angle lenses giving a stereoscopic image.
    1. Liquor crystal displays / wide-awake
    2. Liquid cryptic disposal / wide-open
    3. Lickpsittle crystal dismay / wide-eyed
    4. Liquid crystal displays / wide-angle
  20. The computer can link and control several helmets at once for a group game.
    1. Lick and condone
    2. Link and control
    3. Line and contribute
    4. Lime and computerize
  21. A robot, once properly programmed, will not put a chip in the wrong place.
    1. Properly programmed / chip
    2. Properly probated / bitcoin
    3. Prophetess programmer / chicane
    4. Prom queen / cheap shot
  22. When robots are controlled by mounted video camera, there is a time lag between seeing the image and sending a corrective control signal.
    1. Mountain video camera / time gag
    2. Mounted video camera / time lag
    3. Maid in waiting / time deposit
    4. Mounted video camel / time lag
  23. Various personal computer products are available for this purpose.
    1. Personal computer buzz saw / on
    2. Personal commuter products / of
    3. Personal computer products / for
    4. Personal assistant / down
  24. These robots are used in space projects, nuclear reactor stations and underwater exploration research.
    1. Nuclear stationary bicycles / underachiever
    2. Nuclear station wagons / water ballet
    3. No-win reactor stations / underarm
    4. Nuclear reactor stations / underwater
  25. By year 2000, all their employees will be knowledge workers.
    1. Employees / knowledge workers
    2. Addressees / know-nothing
    3. Emperors / knowledge workers
    4. Emus / knuckle dusters
  26. You ask your computer a question, and it answers you verbally.
    1. Your combat / veraciously
    2. Your Yoga / emotionally
    3. Your computer / verbally
    4. Your comment / verbena
  27. All mail can be opened in the mail room and scanned into the computer using optical character recognition.
    1. Mailbag / optical cartoon premonition
    2. Mail room / optical character recognition
    3. Bedroom / optical chip ammunition
    4. Mail catcher / optimum character cognition
  28. Video games will probably be the first major market for VR applications.
    1. Video gambits / JFK applications
    2. Video games / VR applications
    3. Video gadgets / VR inflation
    4. Video gazebo / VR confederation
  29. In short, virtual reality makes it possible to experience doing without really doing it.
    1. Virtual image / exasperate
    2. Virtual dog / exaggerate
    3. Virtual reality / experience
    4. Virtual exam / excavate
  30. As mechanical supermen, robots may be called upon to do anything.
    1. Mexican food / robocops
    2. Suntan lotion / road hogs
    3. Mechanical sunstroke / roadsters
    4. Mechanical supermen / robots