Енглески језик - нижи/К1

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  • За питања са више одговора, тачни одговори су подебљани и уоквирени
  • За питања за које се одговори уносе, тачни одговори су подвучени и сакривени, тако да се прикажу када изаберете тај текст (пример: овако)
  • Притисните лево дугме испод за сакривање и откривање свих одговора, или десно дугме за укључивање и искључивање интерактивног режима:


  1. Developers have to cut through a jungle of computer languages, operating environments, and shifting standards to choose how they'll create their software.
    1. Cut off
    2. Cut short
    3. Cut through
    4. Cut up
  2. Each month, I purge the disk of all the old e-mail messages.
    1. Purify
    2. Purchase
    3. Purge
    4. Purlieu
  3. If your PC is infected with a virus your data is at risk.
    1. Visage
    2. Vision
    3. Virus
    4. Viscidity
  4. I think users are getting what they want, provided that their needs fit the off-the-shelf application.
    1. Off-the-record
    2. Offspring
    3. Off-the-shelf
    4. Offbeat
  5. They set up a special team to develop the first IBM PC.
    1. Set up
    2. Set off
    3. Set on
    4. Set out
  6. The first IBM PC was developed using existing available electrical components.
    1. Electrical current
    2. Electrical components
    3. Electrical standards
    4. Electrical engineering
  7. There must be a faulty piece of equipment in the system, because nothing work properly today.
    1. Fatty
    2. Faulty
    3. Favorable
    4. Fawning
  8. This software is able to simulate the action of an aircraft.
    1. Sentiment
    2. Simulate
    3. Negotiate
    4. Slip in
  9. The widespread availability of computers has in all probability changed the world forever.
    1. Wide-awake
    2. Wide-eyed
    3. Wide-open
    4. Widespread
  10. Software technology is getting more complicated.
    1. Tectonics
    2. Technicality
    3. Technician
    4. Technology
  11. When the collaboration between IBM and Digital Research failed, IBM turned to Bill Gates, then 25 years old, to write their operating system.
    1. Corroboration
    2. Collaboration
    3. Corrosion
    4. Conduction
  12. Networks of computers are already being used to make information available on a worldwide scale.
    1. Widespread
    2. Worldwide
    3. Wordly-wise
    4. World-shaking
  13. A re-chargeable battery is used for RAM backup when the system is switched off.
    1. Re-chargeable
    2. Re-count
    3. Recreant
    4. Reclaim
  14. Bill Gates founded Microsoft on a basis of the development of MS/DOS, the initial operating system for the PC.
    1. Operating arm
    2. Operating engineer
    3. Operating system
    4. Operating room
  15. However, without an endorsement from IBM, the company has become a minor player in the market.
    1. Endwise
    2. Endearment
    3. Endorsement
    4. Endowment
  16. The computer is an incredibly powerful tool, and any software that makes it easier, faster, more creative, or more cost-effective will inevitably be in demand.
    1. Increadulous / cost-effective
    2. Inconvertible / cost accounting
    3. Incorrigible / cost clerk
    4. Incredibly / cost-effective
  17. I have thought for some time that applications are getting too big, and that they are trying to do too much. Yes, they are versatile and powerful, but they are also often overwhelming.
    1. Versatile / overwhelming
    2. Versant / overweening
    3. Veracious / overwhelming
    4. Versatile / overweening
  18. The connector at the end of the cable will fit any standard serial port.
    1. Connection
    2. Connective
    3. Connector
    4. Connecting rod
  19. The cost of buying the hardware has come down considerably as the machines have become commodity items.
    1. Come about / budget item
    2. Come across / commodity carrier
    3. Come down / common ground
    4. Come down / commodity items
  20. Since IBM made the design non-proprietary, anyone can make PCs.
    1. Non-propitious
    2. Non-proprietary
    3. Non-prophetic
    4. Non-proportional
  21. Some effort should be made to get feedback from the users before making an upgrade so that proper features are added.
    1. Upgrade
    2. Upheaval
    3. Downgrade
    4. Up-beat
  22. You can buy an unpopulated RAM card and fit your own RAM chips.
    1. Unpopular
    2. Unpopulated
    3. Unparalleled
    4. Unplanned
  23. Suppliers know what their customers want - they just can't supply it quickly enough.
    1. Supplicants / customers
    2. Supervisors / custodians
    3. Suppliers / customers
    4. Superstars / cuspidors
  24. If the disk is crash-protected, you will never lose your data.
    1. Crash barrier
    2. Crash helmet
    3. Crash diet
    4. Crash-protected
  25. Do not forget to disconnect the cable before moving the printer.
    1. Disconnect
    2. Disconsolate
    3. Discomfit
    4. Discontinue
  26. The user has to key-in the password before he can access the network.
    1. Key-in / passport
    2. Keyboard / password
    3. Key in / password
    4. Keyhole / passage
  27. These fonts are downloadable and free of cost on some Internet sites.
    1. Downgradeable
    2. Downloadable
    3. Downtrodden
    4. Downswing
  28. Software purchasers will have to live with results for years to come. Which advances in software technology will prevail?
    1. Prevaricate
    2. Prevail
    3. Preview
    4. Pretest
  29. Large companies are considering running major applications on PCs.
    1. Rummaging
    2. Rumoring
    3. Running
    4. Rumbling
  30. You only have to configure the PC once - when you first buy it.
    1. Confine
    2. Confirm
    3. Confide
    4. Configure