Енглески језик - нижи/К2
Пређи на навигацију
Пређи на претрагу
- A mouse is a pointing device. It is moved by the user in order to control the position of a pointer on the computer screen.
- Point system / pointed
- Pointsman / pointblank
- Pointing device / pointer
- Point of honor / poignant
- Do you think the use of virtual reality in computer war games is going to affect young people's attitude to violence?
- Vintage year / viper's grass
- Virtual image / vinegar
- Virtual reality / violence
- Virginia creeper / virescence
- A program written in a high-level language must be interpreted into machine code before the computer will read and process it.
- Machine cocoa
- Machine coconut
- Machine code
- Machine cod
- A compiler is a program that converts a high-level language into machine code.
- Complacence / converses
- Comparator / convicts
- Compiler / converts
- Conveyor / conveys
- A source program is a program written in one of the high-level languages.
- Source program / high-level
- Source deck / high-hat
- Source file / high life
- Sour cherry / high-octane
- We were instructed to document our programs very carefully.
- Instructor
- Instructed
- Instrumental
- Insufferable
- The systems program which fetches required system routines and link them to the object module is known as the linkage editor.
- Linkage educator
- Linkage editor
- Licking editor
- Linger editor
- The load module is the program directly executable by the computer.
- Loadstar / executive
- Load module / executable
- Load modulus / executive
- Load modifier / executible
- An assembler translates assembly language into machine code.
- Assemblage / assembly point
- Assemblage / assembly line
- Assembler / assembly plant
- Assembler / assembly language
- debugging in the process of working through the program in a systematic way to eliminate any flaws of glitches.
- Debugger / pitches
- Debugging / fitches
- Debugging / ditches
- Debugging / glitches
- When a computer program does not do what you expect, it is likely that the algorithm that you designed is flawed.
- Pogrom / forward
- Program / flawed
- Progenitor / flapped
- Pogostrick / flabbergasted
- Being able to see what is happening inside a program is very useful when debugging.
- Debunking
- Debugging
- Debriefing
- Decamping
- On a laptop a touchpad can be used in much the same way as a mouse is with a desktop computer.
- Laptop / touchpad / desktop computer
- Lapful / touchstone / desk clerk
- Lapel / touch hole / derringer
- Lap join / touch and go / desperado
- Make sure the connector is not loose before you call a service technician.
- Coachman / looter
- Con man / booze
- Connector / loose
- Connoisseur / luscious
- The instructions are very clear and do not require any further explanation.
- Exacerbation
- Extortion
- Explanation
- Exaltation
- Usually, a programmer compiles his program before he puts in the data. Also, a source program cannot be directly processed by the computer until it has been compiled.
- Coagulates / obsessed / confuted
- Compels / possessed / comported
- Cosceles / oprpressed / condensed
- Compiles / processed / compiled
- The database management system first resolves the request and analyses it for syntax errors.
- Database management system / syntax errors
- Basedata management style / sytax errant
- Database commitment system / syntax errand
- Data managing sound / syntax erago
- A touchpad usually has two buttons close to it, similar to a mouse, but these tend to be sunk below the level of the touchpad itself.
- Drunk
- Skunk
- Sunk
- Punk
- For major web applications and powerful games, developers need to know how to code in low-level languages in order to maximize the speed and efficiency of a program.
- Head hunters / reload / bestialize
- Embezzlers / skid road / hypnotize
- Emmentalers / true road / mesmerize
- Developers / code / maximize
- A numeric keypad is used specifically to enter numbers, although alphabetic characters can be entered by using the function key.
- Keyboard / fund-raiser
- Keypad / function key
- Keynote / de-jammer key
- Keyhole / shift key
- The object program or object module is the program produced when the original program has been converted into machine code.
- Object program / object module / converted
- Objective complement / object modernizer / comported
- Objective program / objective moulder / diverted
- Objectionable button / module object / convicted
- The computer's operating system is a true system program, which controls the central processing unit (CPU), the input, the output, and in the secondary memory devices.
- Operative system / central processed unit
- Operating system / central processing unit
- Operational system / centralized processing unit
- Operable system / central processing unity
- If something is happening that should not be, find th esection of your code that makes that particular thing happen.
- Section / coach
- Sec / cod
- Section / code
- Sector / coal
- Python includes a logging module that allows you to print values and analyze errors.
- Bygone / lobbying
- Siphon / blogging
- Siren / vlogging
- Python / logging
- Other such languages are APL (developed in 1962), PASCAL (developed in 1971), and LISP and PROLOG.
- C is a highly portable general-purpose language.
- Geminate-purpose
- General-pursuer
- General-purpose
- General delivery
- FORTRAN is an acronym for FORmula TRANslation. This language is used for solving scientific and mathematical problems.
- FORTHRIGHT / evolving
- FORTRAN / solving
- FORTRAN / revolving
- FORTNIGHT / resolving
- Pushing the big red button on the front of turns the CPU on.
- Buttonhook / turns / off
- Button / turns / on
- Buttonhole / turns / up
- Butt joint / turns / on
- When you have downloaded the information you need then log off from the system.
- Downdraft / blog off
- Downbeat / log down
- Downloaded / log off
- Downgraded / log up
- I am a hacker, and this is my manifesto.
- Hijacker / ice show
- Hackle fly / manicurist
- Firecracker / gizmo
- Hacker / manifesto